Conversion rates or few impressions? Get rid of them! There’s likely 50 or more keywords that are cluttering your account and bringing your account QS down. You could try getting rid of broader keywords with low CTR’s, and adding them in on exact or phrase match to up the CTR (one of the biggest components of Quality Score). Bid on Branded Keywords: Since someone’s searching specifically for your brand, they’re almost certain to click on your ad and visit your site, which is why branded terms are famous for having high CTR’s, therefore high Quality Scores.
Bid on your own brand to give your whole account a lift! Stay Active in Your Account: Setting and forgetting IT Numbers your account just doesn’t work for AdWords, and it will also negatively impact your account-level QS. A case study with an advertiser whose average account Quality Score was 8.8/10 showed that optimizing regularly is crucial to maintaining high scores. “This advertiser is no lazy bum! His amazing Quality Scores weren’t the result of some computer glitch, but rather of diligent, smart PPC optimization work,” says Larry. “He’s in his account at least once a week for half an hour or so actually optimizing stuff.”[size=14.6667px]

Margot Whitney MEET THE AUTHOR Margot Whitney Margot is a content marketing specialist at WordStream and nutrition graduate student at Framingham State. She loves all things digital, learning about nutrition, running, traveling, and cooking.your hand if you’re a control freak? Perhaps you’re hesitant to admit it, but most PPC employees are. It’s in your nature to want granular control of your keyword lists, ad copy, bidding strategies, etc. Why? Most likely due to that one time you wasted 50% of your company’s monthly marketing budget because you were a PPC newbie unaware of how match types or negative keywords.