Reach on social networks, newsletter opening rate, number of downloads of an ebook or of views of a clip inhouse (owned) distribution channels: the most popular are social media – Facebook , Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest or Instagram paid campaigns: the most popular are social media, Google or those using local content providers (websites, blogs, influencers) Set the marketing budget In each marketing strategy you will be able to use many free channels and platforms, however, there will certainly be certain activities for which you must allocate a certain budget.
From the cost of freelancers to create blog content, to the budget for British Student Phone Number List developing a partnership or for Google or Facebook campaigns to help promote the content created, you need to know exactly what marketing budget you can rely on . Very importantly, when you set a budget you should divide it according to the different channels that you have proposed to use in your planned marketing plan. You have to find a balance between how much you're willing to spend on each channel and what the long-term and short-term benefits are. Establish team and responsibilities The marketing plan cannot be complete without knowing the team with which you will implement it.
You don't have to develop all the tasks now, but it is important to establish the responsibilities that each team member will have - who will take care of content creation, who will coordinate certain social media channels, who will do the performance part and and so on. Sets the reporting mode Finally, the last step is where you set the reporting mode. Analyzing results is one of the most important steps in a marketing plan. Each action must be measured using previously set performance indicators (KPIs). Only in this way will you be able to find out if you have reached the expected results. Measuring the effectiveness of strategies and implemented activities is crucial in any marketing activity. This way you will be able to correct what is not working and focus on the activities that give the best results. Identify your competitors In addition to defining your target audience, marketing strategies and budget, it is very important to know who you are marketing against.