And their profits are guaranteed. If you want to invest an amount for a medium or long period of time, and do not want to exhaust yourself with economic or investment details, then deposits are the appropriate investment method for you. As for information about deposits, you can find them in detail through the bank or banks you deal with. Make a comparison between the deposits available from the same bank and then move on to comparing.
The deposits offered by all banks in general in terms of duration Chinese Europe Phone Number List and profits. Important note: There is an important difference between deposits and funds with regard to recovering the value of either of them. Usually, you can redeem the value of your investment in investment funds at specific periods (sometimes a specific day each month) after the management of these funds has finished and their accounts are organized, of course. Regarding the recovery of deposit values, it is after the period that was agreed upon during its creation, and you cannot recover it until after the expiry of this period. 2. Investing in stocks Stocks are shares of the value of companies that the latter displays on its own market called the stock market.
Owning shares means owning a share in the ownership of the company. Owners of shares have the right to sell them at any time that suits them, but this is done in accordance with certain controls and conditions. As an ordinary person, you cannot invest in the stock market on your own. Rather, this must be done through one of the brokerage companies in your country. The performance of brokerage or brokerage companies in Saudi Arabia is monitored by the competent government agencies to ensure that investment operations in them proceed in a fair manner. Investing in stocks is not difficult, but it requires a lot of study, and we do not recommend doing it without communicating with a financial advisor.