The needs of users, rather than just because it matches a specific string of keywords, giving users a better experience. is. In recent years, SEO personnel are required to not only understand content creation, but also content promotion. It used to be all about optimizing existing landing pages based on search volume. However, today we need to create, optimize, and expand new content to meet user needs, along with optimizing existing content. The goal is to acquire the social signals and links necessary to rank high in search results and strengthen your brand. device The desktop was the primary device on the web, so optimization was limited to the desktop. However, this is already a thing of the past.
Today, mobile is the dominant way people consume content. While desktops remain important, digital media consumption on mobile has grown exponentially over the past few years, and this trend is likely to continue. According to comScore, 65% of time spent on digital media is on India Phone Number mobile. Additionally, in 2015, Google's mobile searches overtook desktop searches . SEO professionals should focus on optimizing the mobile experience, especially apps.
Additionally, mobile pages should load within 2 seconds. local Google has changed its local search results frequently over the past few years. From 10 packs to 7 packs and now 3 packs . In the past, spamming was easily done in local SEO. Include keywords in your business name, get links from spammy directory services, and make up your company's location.