Search engine view in the Facebook Ads Ad Library . Selecting an ad category allows us to include ads that relate to: all topics, social, electoral or political topics, real estate, employments, lending. In the photo below you will find eamples of effective ads from the ad library: ad-library-facebook-ads Photo . Eamples of ads served in the UK by the BMW UK ofile. By browsing ads in the library, you can learn the following details about them: what tet and graphic creations are used by your competitors,
when the display of a given creative started and when the display of the ad ended if the ad on Facebook andor Instagram is no longer active, is the campaign still active, on which Meta-owned platforms the ad is displayed. In addition to the number Middle East Mobile Number List of followers of a given ofile on Facebook and Instagram, you can also find out the history of the page and whether it has ever been merged with other ofiles. Additionally, whether its name has been changed and when eactly it was created, what institution manages the website and where the people managing the website come from. advertising-library-facebook-ads Photo .
Thanks to the Facebook Ads Ad Library, we can find out, among others: the fact that most people managing the BMW UK ofile come from Great Britain and Poland . Are you lacking an idea for effective advertising activities Our Harbingers eperts will surely help you! Schedule a strategic conversation! Competition analysis in the ad library how to use the library to gain an advantage Optimizing Facebook ads is a never-ending pursuit to get ahead of the competition by reaching the right users of Meta platforms and esenting them with the most interesting and accurate creations. Fortunately,