How to pay INSS Unemployed? Payment must be made independently to avoid wasting time counting your retirement. You will need to generate a payment slip on the INSS website or buy payment slips at stationery stores and fill them in manually, entering one of the codes above, according to the chosen category.
Payment must be made by the 20th of each month. If the date falls on a holiday or weekend, payment is due on the next business day. How to pay late INSS? Social Security will charge interest and a fine, which can reach 20% of the amount you would pay in the month.
To find out how much the new installment will be, calculate the INSS arrears on the Social Security website. When you open the page, enter your NIT (Worker Identification Number, which can be the INSS registration number), PIS or Pasep. If you prefer, you can also go Overseas Chinese Data to a Social Security agency and ask them to do the calculation for you.
The Federal Revenue website also has an area that helps you make this calculation, so just choose the best option for you. INSS-autonomous-hands-computer How much to pay INSS? 20, 11 or 5%? These are the three possible INSS contribution values – 20%, 11% or 5%. Come and understand more about each type of contribution.